Thank you for tuning in for the Power Hour last night. My guest "Fat Tails" did a wonderful job breaking down the financial side of things that we could see when Devolution unfolds.
We're approaching a critical moment in our history. The political establishment wants their "great reset" but I think Trump has a "great reset" of his own in mind and he laid the groundwork for it by moving the Federal Reserve into the Treasury.
I will definitely have "Fat Tails" back on the show. There is too much to properly cover in one power hour even tho we talked for almost 1.5 hours.
If you missed it you can watch at the link, and be sure to share it around!
I'll try to get him to start his own telegram channel, but in the meantime, you can find "Fat Tails" on gab:
The attached picture is the book recommendations he provided.
Why was Reagan shot? Who organized it? Who profited from it?
After Reagan was shot, he faded a bit. And who stepped in to strengthen him? A banker!
Burn the bankers down with Bitcoin. Peacefully, and completely. 🥇
Catch the rest of episode 24 of Rugpull Radio for more!